sabato 31 ottobre 2009
Vivianne Viveur
Viveur Vivianne’s life begins in November of 2000 in Italy, born of a natural artistic feeling among three unusual musicians. Their musical production begins with a wide series of improvisations which go beyond any attempt to frame them in a special musical genre. This alienor beginning lasts about nine very intense months, which deeply change the artistic vision of the trio.The first Ep released by the band is "Dominique paints only in china", that includes 6 songs, and expresses their intense musical search accomplished in that period, with a sound always in the balance between solar melodies and dark falls down into obscure atmospheres.
Vivianne Viveur (Vienne: voce e basso, Chicco Aurigemma chitarre, L.J. Nefasto batteria) nasce nel 2000 ed è stabile a Londra dal 2001.
Il gruppo propone un rock noir sperimentale con forti venature romantiche.
Tra il 2002 ed il 2004, con al basso Simon Marshall, ha un’intensa attività live nella capitale inglese suonando nelle più importanti venues londinesi come Barfly, Astoria, Garage, Bull and Gate , West One Four, Pop, Clockwork, Red room.
Vivianne Viveur suona performances suggestive e teatrali di rock psichedelico minimalista.
Nel 2006 il gruppo lavorerà per il loro primo disco ufficiale tornando alla formazione originale. Il trio, infatti, nell’Aprile del 2007 realizza l’album “the art of arranging flowers”(Seahorse/Goodfellas) a cui segue un tour in Inghilterra ed Italia che li porta all’Ypsigrock festival di Palermo come band supporto dei Mouse on Mars.
L’album consolida uno stile che caratterizza il gruppo in modo unico ed originale, delicato ed oscuro.
L’inverno successivo lavorano alla realizzazione del secondo album “Vert” in uscita nel Novembre del 2008( Seahorse/Goodfellas).
Vivianne Viveur "The art of arranging flowers" Seahorse 2007
Vivianne Viveur"Vert" Seahorse 2008
"The art of arranging flowers"
OUT in April 2007 for Seahorse Recordings
“Words and music are separate entities that fuse one with another in intense suggestions and unexpected atmospheres. Melody and dissonance press to a constant tense alternation toward the hanging places of immagination”.
“Dominique paints only in china” Relased in Spring 2002
The Ep gives the band the possibility to perform live in italy and to be selected for the "SAMIGO top 100".
TOUR_ “Remembering flowers”
15-02-06 live at “AREZZO WAVE” finali provinciali
27-05-03 live at NEW AGE_Napoli
26-06-03 live at spalti del maschio angioino-“LO SGUARDO DI ULISSE”
Soon they decide to move to England, where an intense live activity begins. they play in several venues in London. The city gives new life to the band that releases a new studio recording.
“Funeral for a cloud” Relased in Summer 2004
TOUR_ “Funeral for a cloud”
04-12-04 live at CAERNARVON CASTLE, London
27-01-05 live at GARAGE, London
25-02-05 live at BULL& GATE, London
01-04-05 live at GARAGE, London
20-04-05 live at BESTY TROTWOOD, London
23-05-05 live at PLEASURE UNIT, London
22-06-05 live at UPSTAIRS AT GARAGE, London
03-07-05 live at VERGE, London
09-07-05 live at BARFLY, London
17-09-05 live at CAERNARVON CASTLE, London
23-11-05 live at HOPE AND ANCHOR, London
04-02-06 live at WEST ONE FOUR “Emergenza Music Festival” , London
03-03-06 live at CLOCKWORK, London
10-03-06 live at RED ROOM, London
21-04-06 live at WEST ONE FOUR “Emergenza Music Festival” 2nd Step, London
06-06-06 live at WEST ONE FOUR “Acoustic night” , London
30-07-06 live at ASTORIA “Emergenza Music Festival” FINAL , London
The work consolidates a style which characterizes the band in a unique way, delicately obscure, and attracts the darker side of London’s musical scene. They receive several reviews on English musical magazines such as SPILL and MNE and take part in the worldwide festival for unsigned bands: "Emergenza Music Festival”, being placed among the 10 best unsigned bands in the U.K. and performing the final at the famous theatre ASTORIA of London on July 30th, 2006.
In August they take part in several festivals in Italy like the ROADIE ROCK festival(Reggio Emilia) and the MUSIC IN PROGRESS (Crema).
In the October 2006 Vivianne Viveur are in studio for the recording of their first album for the indie label “SEAHORSE RECORDINGS” in Naples, produced by Paolo Messere(Blassed Child Opera and Ulan Bator). The album " The Art of Arranging flowers " contains 12 songs and comes out in Italy for SEAHORSE RECORDINGS in April, distributed by GOODFELLAS DISTRIBUTION with “FRIDGE EDITION”, and in U.K. by CRIMSON ROSES PATH Ltd.
A work which expresses a delicate and very original art-rock, with wave influences from the 80’.
TOUR_ “Never felt so cold”
30-03-07 live at MAMAMU, Naples
18-04-07 love at LOCANDA ATLANTIDE, Rome
24-04-07 live at NOMI NIGHT, Parma
26-04-07 live at CIRCOLO META MULTIMEDIA, Arezzo
27-04-07 live at ROCK HOUSE, Pescara
05-05-07 live at GARAGE, London
10-05-07 live at CLOCKWORK, London
20-05-07 live at BAR FLY, Manchester
11-08-07 live at Ypsigrock festival, Castelbuono, Palermo
The band is now working on the second album for SEAHORSE RECORDINGS, which will be released in spring 2008. Vivianne Viveur is in the rooster of “MINUTA RECORDS” , Swiss label and booking agency from October 2007 and their album, “The art of arranging flowers”, will be produced and distributed in Swiss and Belgium by “PHENIX RECORDS”, independent music label, in January 2008 and in France in march 2008 by “DERUIT DE SILENCE”.
About Vivianne Viveur
“Vivianne Viveur have produced a breathtaking EP that portrays their darkly beautiful range of songs. Their poetic lyrics are encased in a delicately gothic sound, with surges of intensity that are overpowering. These songs are intricately crafted with keen musicianship and each one tends to twist into surprising transformations. Take “winter”: a tense build up to an expansive chorus suddenly dissipates into a languishing, liberating sequence. This is an eerily unique EP that defies categorisation. Words and music are separate entities that fuse with each other in intense suggestions and unexpected atmospheres. A tense, constant alternation of melody and dissonance urges towards suspended places of imagination”.
REVIEW ON “NME” , April 2006
Third up was Vivianne Viveur who played music that comes from a darkly beautiful place. Their poetic songs were delicately gothic and plaintive but could also be expansive and intense. They provided us with a no frills, subtle performance and let the music itself overtake our senses. Songs such as ‘When the Wind is a Memory of You’ were so intricately constructed that they had a tendency undergo entrancing metamorphoses. Vivianne Viveur are one of those unique, precious bands that defy categorization.
The atmospheres are dark, and it couldn’t be otherwise for an album entitled “Funeral For To Cloud”. It will be perhaps the London air, city where they moved to, but as it suggests the opening title the band is filled with an inspired lunacy that very rarely finds life in Italy. Vocals in full David Bowie style, sound like Goblin; Vivianne Viveur fascinate after few listenings. The trio sings in English, it could also be said that “sounds” in English, on the wake of the great bands that made of England the greates musical scene in Europe. If a band therefore must go far away from Italy in order to attract attention, it means that we don’t have ears to listen anymore.
Vivianne Viveur - The Art Of Arranging Flowers
(Seahorse / Goodfellas, 2007)
Black rock? yes it is, dark? Yes it is, crepuscular? Sure, but worthy of attention.Behind there’s the whole dark-wave scene of the mythical ’80.Bauhaus, Joy Division and partners come to your mind as in a dream. But also some “curesque” or “siouxian” bass lines. And then the ’90 of Ulan Bator, Sonic Youth follow one another going deeper through the album. All rigorously well spent in minor and on the beat. The Italian trio is well away from any paranoia of market and custom perhaps because they established in London and don’t really care. Vivianne Viveur live and express what they have inside also grazing the atmospheres of the first Pink Floyd. A good delirium that knows how to make itself loved for honesty and authenticity of intents. Their spirit is very rare in Italy. Spirit that should teach us something.
REVIEW ON “RUMORE” , April. 2007
Vivianne Viveur - The Art Of Arranging Flowers
(Seahorse / Goodfellas, 2007)
Originally Vivianne Viveur was an Italian band formed in 2001. By 2002 they moved to London. And for what it's worth, these guys know how to integrate inspiration and creativity in a song. It's difficult to put a stamp on it, the music they make is uneasy and difficult to get into. Their psychedelic improvisations intend to change into powerful melodies and create an atmosphere that is dark, dramatic and theatrical and sometimes bursting into immense noise-eruptions. Every song seems to have a metaphor of style and feeling.The album is full of dissonants and contrasts by delicate songstructures on the one hand such as 'Princess' and 'Trembling' and on the other hand by songs of dark alienation such as 'Verlaine' and 'Elis And The Bad Moon'. Minimalism and drama are melting together with surrealistic atmospheres and develop some moments of authentic beauty. This all might seem a little bit confusing but you just have to imagine how these guys sound. You hear Gavin Friday - who's just been kicked in the ass - while performing with his band 'Virgin Prunes' and sharing the stage with 'Sonic Youth' in their better days.
Review by: sx-base_ GOTHTRONIC
Grade: 7.5
“The art of arranging flowers” out on April 2007 Seahorse CD008
“Funeral for a cloud” 2004
“Valentine paints only in china” 2002
Vivianne Viveur are:
Vienne Langelle: vocals, lirycs, bass,
Chicco Aurigemma : guitar, baritone guitar
L.J. Nefasto : drum, piano, keyboards, programming
Contacts band
Contacts label
Contacts booking ( U.K. ) (Swiss and Belgium)
The latest album from Vivianne Viveur
Release date: 20th of Novembre 2008 Seahorse Recordings/Goodfellas
“Vert” il nuovo album del gruppo art-rock Vivianne Viveur segna un nuovo capitolo nella storia della band.
Dopo il loro album d’esordio “The art of arranging flowers” (Seahorse/goodfellas), il trio ha raggiunto una nuova dimensione artistica con melodie incantate e liriche enigmatiche.
L’oscurità di “the art of arranging flowers” è presente in “Vert” ma è resa più delicata dalla varietà e lucentezza dei loro colori, dalle melodie e dalle dissonanze del loro rock noir.
Il disco conferma l’assoluta originalità dei Vivianne Viveur che riescono a dare uno spessore diverso alla loro musica con una delicata rete di emozioni che unisce tutti gli undici brani presenti nell’album in un unico momento.
Vert si avvale anche di ottime collaborazioni con diversi artisti come la scozzese Lisbeth Allarddyce voce in “Memoirs of a silhouette”, la violinista londinese Jane Wild in “Yarn”, il pezzo che introduce l’album, ed in “Never kind”, il pezzo che lo chiude, e con Andrea Cajelli degli “Encode” batteria in “Yarn”.
.................................The Art Of Arrangin Flowers .......................
Vivianne Viveur - The Art Of Arranging Flowers (Seahorse / Goodfellas, 2007)
"The art of arranging flowers” tra vortici di distorsioni e sussurri di romanticismo. I Vivianne Viveur rivelano un'assoluta sapienza tecnica, strisciante nel limbo del sogno…..”.
Review on "DNA MUSIC" , May 2007(Italy)
Originally Vivianne Viveur was an Italian band formed in 2001. By 2002 they moved to London. And for what it's worth, these guys know how to integrate inspiration and creativity in a song. Their psychedelic improvisations intend to change into powerful melodies and create an atmosphere that is dark, dramatic and theatrical and sometimes bursting into immense noise-eruptions. Every song seems to have a metaphor of style and feeling.The album is full of dissonants and contrasts by delicate songstructures on the one hand such as 'Princess' and 'Trembling' and on the other hand by songs of dark alienation such as 'Verlaine' and 'Elis And The Bad Moon'. Minimalism and drama are melting together with surrealistic atmospheres and develop some moments of authentic beauty.
Review on “GOTHTRONIC”(Holland), June 20
“Vivianne Viveur è un’ affascinante delirio che sa come farsi amare per onesta’ e autenticita’ d’ intenti. Spirito molto raro in Italia che dovrebbe insegnarci qualcosa…..”.
Review on "RUMORE" April 2007(Italy)
“Vivianne Viveur have produced a breathtaking album “the art of arranging flowers” that portrays their darkly beautiful range of songs. Their poetic lyrics are encased in a delicately gothic sound, with surges of intensity that are overpowering. These songs are intricately crafted with keen musicianship and each one tends to twist into surprising transformations. Words and music are separate entities that fuse with each other in intense suggestions and unexpected atmospheres. A tense, constant alternation of melody and dissonance urges towards suspended places of imagination……".
Review on “SPILL MAGAZINE” , April 2007(England)
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